Optimize automation and improve efficiency in your AR workflows with SurroundLab AR, Laboratory Revenue Cycle Management software
When designing a Laboratory Revenue Cycle Management system, great care must be taken to address the many issues facing today’s clinical laboratory. Managing receivables and measuring financial performance are among the most pressing.
SurroundLab™ AR RCM addresses these issues at its core. With features that include a customizable order entry screen, front end edit management and missing information processes, you can be assured that all information is correct prior to billing, reducing the number of rejected claims. For measuring and managing financial performance, the business of laboratory billing systems relies on proper coding, accurate reimbursement, and compliance.
SurroundLab AR RCM helps you navigate ever changing requirements, resulting in accurate billing and payment, with fewer denials, stronger relations between providers and payers and the avoidance of compliance issues. With a full array of financial management reports and our exclusive “Executive Dashboard” monitor, SurroundLab AR makes critical business data available at your fingertips. SurroundLab AR enables the billing manager to make informed business decisions, which is one of the many reasons it is the financial system of choice for the commercial laboratory.
SurroundLab AR Features
- Unlimited fee schedules and financial classes for pricing
- Multi-tiered pricing logic (discounts and special pricing)
- Implosion tables by different financial groups and or order codes
- Faxing of statements and missing information letters
- Consolidated patient statements with permanent account capabilities
- Scalable system to meet the needs of an ever growing laboratory business
- Customized order entry screen
- Customized client and patient statements
- Front-end missing information capture
- Single keystroke on-line help
- High Volume throughput
- Extensive Management reporting capabilities
- Client specific logic throughout system
- Rapid payment posting capabilities
- Electronic claim submission and remittance by carrier or clearinghouse, such as Inovalon
- Capabilities to bill under multiple companies and tax ID’s
- Robust end-user security options
- Data Mining and Reporting Tools
Optional SurroundLab AR Features
- NCD/LCD policy update-3rd party module (Codemap)
- Edit Work Queues
- 270/271 Eligibility
- AR Worklist
- Executive Report Dashboard
- Easy Pay-Patient on-line payment webpage
- Client Pay-Client on-line payment webpage
- Client MI Letters on-line webpage
- Order Entry Image Access (Requisitions)
Interested in learning more? Please call or email us today!
Phone: 1-603-431-4114, Extension 6220Email: info@sldsi.comDemo Request
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